Wednesday, September 28, 2005

My Feelings

I just wish to talk about my feelings here for one minute. Now, I know I'm a guy and I'm not supposed have them or I'm supposed to be all tough, but truthfully, I am not. I have feelings just like any woman. All guys do have feelings, but some just choose not to keep in touch with them for whatever reason.

I do however, hide them unintentionally at times. I think the reason I do that is to guard myself. I'm usually really open about my feelings, but usually it's only if I feel the other person has similar feelings as me. Like say for instance, I meet this girl and we talk, get to know eachother and I feel she is a really great person. I tell her I have an interest in her and would love to go on a date, but she says she doesn't like me like that. I will always hide my feelings from then on out towards that girl. I guess it's a protection thing.

If you are curious how I really feel, you also need to be very open with me. I need to feel safe in order to express myself. Usually if a girl thinks I like them, I usually do. If I express a lot of interest in them, you're damn straight I like them.

I dunno, I just thought I'd put that out there for a certain someone.


Blogger Me said...

aw i hope she reads it.. and she gets it.

9:46 PM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

Yea, me too


10:01 PM  
Blogger juniper pearl said...

oh, for pete's sake, megan. that was just mean.

6:55 PM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

All girls are mean! And they have cooties too!

11:43 PM  
Blogger Me said...

why was that mean?

10:47 AM  

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