Saturday, December 03, 2005


Well, my dad had his surgery on Thursday at Lancaster General. Thankfully everything is ok and they got all of the tumor. The tumor wasn't nearly as big as they had originally thought it was, so he was in and out of the operation in under an hour. They took pictures of the tumor before removal and after removal. The pictures are not really gross looking or anything. You just see something that looks like cauliflower and then you just see some sort of tissue. It's amazing what they can do for cancer treatment now a days. If this were 30 years ago, there probably wouldn't be too much they could do for him. Thank the flying spaghetti monster for modern technology ;).

My dad feels a little sore in some not so pleasant places, but other than that, he's ok. He's been putting up christmas decorations and just relaxing. I've been doing any lifting he needs done since he is on a weight restriction. He can't lift anything over 20lbs so that his body has time to heal. I'm just glad that it wasn't as bad as they had originally thought, but he still needs to go in for check ups every 3 months to make sure nothing else decides to grow.

Other than that, I've been watching for SECS. No, SECS isn't a new movie starring John Holmes. SECS stands for Significant East Coast Storm. There are a few possible SECS this coming week, so it's going to be a very active weather week for any of us living on the east coast. I just hope it's this exciting all winter :).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

angels will watch over your dad!

7:38 AM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

I'm sure they already are :-).

5:26 PM  

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