Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I Like Doing These..

.. When I am bored. I stole this one from Erica lol.

1. Have you ever been searched by the cops?
Yes, I got caught setting off illegal fireworks and the cops came and searched me.

2. Do you close your eyes on rollercoasters?
Nope.. Whats the point in riding one if you are going to close your eyes?

3. When's the last time you've been sleigh riding?
I don't think I ever have?

4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
I would rather sleep with someone.

5. Do you believe in Ghosts?
Undecided on ghosts.

6. Do you consider yourself creative?
Ehh.. Not really, but I try :p

7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife?
Yes, I do

8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?
Jennifer Aniston

9. Can you honestly say you know anything about politics?
I'm a liberal! Megan is a liberal too!!

10. Do you know how to play poker?
It's been awhile, so I might be a little crappy :p.

11. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
Yea, I hate it

12. Do you kill bugs that are in the house?
Depends on the bug. If I see a spider I usually chuck him outside, but like a big misquto or something I'll kill.

13. Have you ever cheated on a test?
In HS a few times

14. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around..do you go through red lights? Nope

15. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you?

16. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees?
Not a baseball fan so I don't give a rats ass. I do however have a Yankees hat, but I just bought it cause it matched a shirt I had gotten :p.

17. Have you ever ice skated?
Yep! At the college pond.

18. How often do you remember your dreams?
I still remember dreams I had as a little kid about Gremlins :p.

19. When was the last time you laughed so hard you were crying?
Umm.. I've had stomach cramps, but never actually cried while laughing lol.

20. Can you name 5 songs by The Beatles?
hmm. nope

21. Do you want to name them?
Uhh.. no :p

22. Do you believe in love at first sight?
No, that is usually called lust.

23. Do you know who Ba-Ba-Booey is?
Some dude on Howard Stern

24. Do you always wear your seatbelt?
Depends on where I am going.

25. What talent do you wish you had?
ummm.. I don't know lol

26. Do you like Sushi?
Keeping my mind out of the gutter.. I never tried Sushi :p.

27. Have you ever narrowly avoided a fatal accident?
Yes, me and my ex girlfriend were driving to the fair and my dad was pulling in as I was pulling out of the driveway. He stopped me to tell me to be safe and have fun. Well, we are headed up to the fair and just as we pulled up to the highway we saw an accident that had just happened. I don't want to get into anymore details, but it was bad.

28. What do you wear to bed?
Sometimes nude, sometimes just boxers, sometimes jammies.. Depends on my mood lol.

29. Have you ever been caught stealing?

30. Does size matter?
Ummm.. I dunno.. does it?

31. Do you truly hate anyone?

32. Rock and Roll or Rap?

33. If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be?
Tough one.. I don't lust after supermodels/actresses, so I really don't care lol.

34. Do you have a relative in prison?

35. Have you ever sang in front of the mirror like your favorite singer?
Hahaha.. yea, been there done that :p

36. Do you know how to play chess?
Yes I do and I've been practicing here and there.

37. What food do you find disgusting?
Salad w/dressing

38. Did you ever play, "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours?
When I was like 8 years old!

39. Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back?
Hmm.. not really, but I have gotten a laugh or 2 at someone elses expense lol.

40. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew?
Yes I have.

41. Have you ever been punched in the face?
Yes, by a guy with a class ring on. Scratched my face up pretty bad

42. When is the last time you threw up?
It's been a few months.

43. Have you ever walked out on a movie at the theater?
No.. I don't care how stupid it is, I paid for it so I'm stayin :p.

44. Do you ever sit through a bad movie, just to see how bad it can get?

45. Would you consider yourself obsessed with anything?
The weather according to Megan :p.

46. Have you ever met someone famous that you really wanted to meet?

47. Have you ever been stood up?

48. When's the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
probably when I was little lol

49. Did you ever do something that you didn't want to, just to fit in?
Yeah, smoked

50. Do you consider yourself "the biggest fan" of something?
Music in general. Ohh and Blu Eyz :p.


Blogger Me said...

51. Should the people reading your survey be wearing boots?:

YES! :p

6:40 AM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

I need to get a new pair of boots :p.

6:45 AM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

There is no shit, so you don't need any boots :p

5:22 PM  
Blogger Me said...

any place you used my name is shit. ask your friends.. to them i'm shit. plus i'm not a liberal.. i'm from the "gaming party".. game on brother!

6:13 PM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

Why should my friends have an influence on OUR friendship? Who cares what they think? You're not shit, I don't care what anyone else says mmmkay?

I was only kidding with you being a liberal.. It was just something from our jesus was liberal conversation :p.

6:53 PM  

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