Sunday, December 11, 2005

From My Myspace

I took this questionairre thingie on my Myspace not too long ago. I figured I'd put it on here for those not so special people :p.

1. Ever been given a ring?

2. Longest Relationship?
4 years

3. Last gift you received:
My bro gave me Civ IV for Xmas

4. How many times have you dropped your cell?
Alot lol

5. Last sport you played?

6. Things you spend a lot of money on?
Clothes, my car

7. Three things you ate last?
Pancakes, Bacon and Hot Pockets

8. First thing you notice about the opposite sex?
I'm not gonna lie, butt.

9. One favorite song:
Nucleus and Paradox - Delphian

10. Where do you live?
E-Town, Pa

11. High school you attended:
Elizabethtown Area High School

12. Cell phone service provider:

13. Favorite mall store:

14. Longest job held:
FedEx Ground

15. Do you own a pair of dice?

16. Do you prank call people?
Umm there was that time in high school we called all these 800 sex hotlines on the "free phone" at school.

17. Last wedding attended:
OMG it's been so long.. I think my 2nd cousins wedding back in the early 90's?

18. First person you'd call if you won the lottery:
My brother

19. Last time you attended church
Wow.. It's been about 15 years lol

20. Favorite fast food restaurant:

21. Biggest lie you have heard:
I love you

22. Where do you work?
Greiner Industries(for the time being)

23. Where's your favorite place to eat with friends:

24. Can you cook?
Does hot ham and cheese count as cooking? :p

25. What car do you drive?
2002 Subaru Impreza RS 2.5

26. Best kisser?
In all honesty, I'll have to say Cindi

27. Last time you cried?
A month ago

28. Most hated food:
Stewed Tomatoes

29. Thing you like most about yourself:
I'll go with my work ethic.

30. Thing you hate most about yourself:
I guess I'll say my weight. I could stand to gain a few more pounds :p.

31. Person you want to do in a bad way:
Absolutely nobody

32. Longest work shift worked?
6am - 7pm (I think)

33. Favorite Movie?
I don't really have a favorite

34. Can you sing?
I can :p

35. Last concert attended:
Sometime back in 1999 I went to the Family Values concert down in Philly :p.

36. Last kiss?
It's been awhile.. The same person as my best lol.

37. Last movie rented:
I haven't rented a movie in years.. Thanks broadband :-).

38. Favorite Alcoholic drink:
Yuengling Lager

39. Automatic or Manual?

40. Favorite sneakers?
These old Nikes that I've had for almost 9 years.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

eww 9 yr. old Nikes?

8:49 AM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

Nothing eww about them. They only look a year old. I guess seeing as I don't wear them much :p. I have been meaning to get a new pair, but I don't like the newer style sneakers.

I also don't think they are that old. I'd say maybe 6 years old or so. But what counts is they are comfortable :p.

12:11 AM  

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