Monday, March 13, 2006

Rap: A Rant

This weekend a bunch of us went out to a club/pool hall after Eric and Jonis reception. I could bore you to death about that whole night, but I just wanted to put my opinion out there for what it's worth.

Rap is dead! It's done, stick a fork in it. I haven't listened to commercial rap in a long time, but this weekend I got a good dose of what it is I was missing. I'm just happy to say that I no longer listen to that crap! I know, some of you will just say that "I'm getting too old". That's not it at all. If you'd compare what I listen to now (Drum N' Bass) to what I used to listen too, you'd notice my music has gotten more "lively" and full of energy.

Every rap song is about guns, drugs, money, bitches, cars, RIP Biggie, RIP Tupac, yadda yadda yadda. That whole formula went out the door like 10 years ago, I thought. Nothing has changed in the world of rap music and it's kind of pitiful. There are some great rap artists out there that not only don't use that formula, but are also pretty intelligent. I guess their songs don't pack the clubs every friday and saturday night, so they don't get the airplay that these "thugz" get.

Nothing is creative anymore. I heard about 5 songs that were remixes of remixes of remixes of old Biggie songs, then I hear 5 corny songs, then another remix of a remix of a Biggie song. Someone out there is getting really rich off of not so original music.

Sorry about the rant. I just thought I'd talk a little more about something that's on my mind rather than some stupid survey, or picture that I've been posting recently.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

rap is the shits!

6:24 AM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

Glad I'm not the only one who feels that way :). I was at the same place last night for St. Patty's day, but the music was a bit better. They played some Prodigy and stuff, which was nice.

4:49 PM  

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