Sunday, October 09, 2005

More About My New Job

Well, I figured I'd tell you more about my job. Friday I learned how to bevel w/a grinder. That was actually kind of fun. I also had to go back up on the scissor lift. This time I wasn't as nervous, but I was lifting a freaking huge pipe, so it was a little difficult :p.

Saturday I went shopping with my dad for tools and a new pair of boots. I had to get metatarsal boots since I might need them on some of the job sites. I also started my tool collection of everything I might need.

After we had gone shopping we ended up going up to Harrisburg to help my brother figure out why his roof was leaking. We also checked out to see why his floor was sinking. Here someone took out a support beam and didn't bother to replace it so now my bro has to get a jack and some new beams to fix his little sink hole he has going on in his kitchen.

After we got back from my brothers place he started to show me how to cut with a torch. Well, I'm not the greatest with it since it gets so freaking hot. I need to get used to the heat. Dripping metal isn't exactly something that's easy to be around lol.

I've been spending alot of time with my dad since I now work with him. It's been kind of fun spending this time with my dad. He picks on me at work since I don't know jack shit lol. Wheather I decide to stick around this job or maybe find something else, I think this is a good experience for myself. I get to spend time with my dad and I'm learning a new trade.

I've gained a ton of respect for my dad over the past few days. He's the bossman and you can tell when we are at work. He's very knowledgable on everything he is doing and tells me all sorts of stuff about the job. It's a neat experience and I will enjoy my next few weeks at work. I just hope I don't run into any of the jackoffs my dad was telling me about, who will call me worthless because I can't do everything.


Blogger Me said...

it's great you get to work w/your dad.. and since now you know who the real bossman is.. you can straighten your ass up :p j/k. If you run into any jerky boys on the job let me know i'll send "BUTCH" over to take care of em.

and .. mikey b. we all know you can do everything they can... you go guy.

9:06 PM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

hahaha.. I never really needed straightened out :p. I know I can do everything they can lol. I just need to learn how to do it :p.

9:09 PM  
Blogger Me said...

that's your opinion ;)
and I know.. and yeah i know :p

9:22 PM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

I know, I need straightend out. I need to stop drinking, doing drugs, sleeping around, and get a job :p. Er.... Yea lol.

4:28 AM  
Blogger Me said...

geesh.. well, self admittance is the first step :p

8:47 AM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

hahaha.. You know I'm just kidding.. Atleast I hope :p

4:51 PM  

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