Sunday, December 11, 2005

Shit Meet Fan Vol. 1

I can't sleep and I have tons on my mind, so I figured I'd post a rant of sorts. I just need somewhere to blow off a little steam. Maybe it'll help me fall asleep.

Lets see, where do I start? I think I'll start with marriage invites. I have this friend who is about to get married, but I'm not invited to the wedding. Part of me doesn't care that I'm not invited, but yet another part of me does. I guess the part of me that cares is the part that remembers all the nights I spent with my friend whenever this friend got dumped or hurt. Yanno, I can also recall begging someone to come to this party with me because some whore ass skank had just dumped him, and I thought it might be a good idea to go out and meet some new people. There is also one other person who feels a little left out of all of this, but this person can speak their mind if they so choose too.

Like I said before, only part of me cares. It's just something bouncing around in the back of my brain. The other part of me is really happy for the both of you, and wishes you both the best of luck. I guess I just feel a little left out of the whole thing, if you know what I mean?

I was also thinking about a certain person making a certain comment about my box of old notes that I keep. A few months afterwards this person said something about reading their diary. I kind of bit my tongue and didn't say anything, but aren't the 2 the same thing? I saved all my old notes from high school/other relationships, whether they were from my ex in college or from the girl sitting across the table from me at saturday detention. I saved all of them. It's kind of like a diary of sorts, except it's not all from my point of view. It's from those who were around me. I can tell you anything anyone with a diary can tell about their past and then some.

I guess I bring this up because today I was filling out this thing on Myspace for Cindi and for the life of me I couldn't remember her middle name. I thought about cheating and going up and rooting through my box, but I just took a stab at it. (I then remembered it as I was laying down in bed, so now I feel like a dick :p*cough* Lynn *cough*). I was thinking about a certain comment when I thought about rooting through my notes, and I thought I'd just make a little note about it on here.

I could rant more, but I'm starting to get sleepy. My Spy Sweeper is now doing it's weekly check and I need to be up for work in about 3 hours. I think it's time for me to go to sleep. I will most likely be posting a Shit Meet Fan Vol. 2, so stay tuned! :p


Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least you won't have to buy a gift!

8:48 AM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

True :). They are still having a reception, but it won't be for a few months. It's just not the same though, yanno?

Ohh well, it's not really a big deal. I just thought I'd rant about some smaller things that kind of bug me at the moment lol.

12:16 AM  

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