Friday, October 21, 2005


I shouldn't have taken such a long nap after work today. I fell asleep a little after 5pm and woke up at 11:30pm. I had trouble sleeping the night before which really made me tired when I got home. The fact I had fuel sprayed on me yesterday didn't help me feel any better. I guess from now on no matter how tired I am, I am no longer taking a nap since I usually end up sleeping for so damn long.

I hate how I have a tendancy to switch back to my night schedule. I think that's a reason why I tend to not be able to sleep at night and sleep so long during the day. I haven't worked nights in a long time, but my body is still so used to it.

I wasn't ignoring you yesterday. I was just passed out since as you can see by the timestamp on this post it is about 3:30am and I havent slept :p.

Also, scroll down to the previous post. I fixed your little problem you were having with the music since I can't sleep.


Blogger Me said...

sleep cycles are really weird... even though "they" say that you can change your cycle within 2 weeks.. "they" are full of bs because it doesn't work for the masses.

for you though, my opinion :p is that you are just working SO hard and SO long and that puts a lot on your body and when you get home from waking up SO early you are just BEAT and your body has to shut down. Then.. when it's ready to eat hot pockets it wakes up and you're not tired to go back to sleep but you have to be at work in a few hrs. so you are screwed!

dr. me says you need to come home take a short nap, less than an hr. wake up.. play games and then go to bed at a regular time so that when you wake up in the morning you are feeling refreshed and ready for your day of pipe painting.

5:37 AM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

Yea, I think it just feels more natural to goto sleep an hour or 2 after I get home from work. I need to listen to Dr. Meggypoo. So Doc, when do I come in to get my physical exam? :pPpPPPpp

3:43 PM  

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