Sunday, December 18, 2005


I love filling these things out. I don't know why either. I guess I like to fill in some smart ass answers here and there. They usually get a chuckle out of someone.

1) Are you currently in a relationship or single?

2) Are you happy with where you are?
It could always be better, but I'm content with where I am for now.

3) When was the last time you went on a date?
A few years ago

4) Did you enjoy it?
I'm sure I did.

5) What was your longest relationship?
4 years

6) Why did it end?
Drugz are bad, mmmkay?

7) Who broke up with whom?
I with her

8) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast?
Ehh.. It's kind of hard to say. Sometimes it just depends on the person.

9) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is acceptable?
Fuck no... The bitch cheats, she's out :p.

10) Have you talked about marriage with another person or have you been married?
Yea, I have talked about it with someone. We had our entire future planned out.

12) Do you want children?

13) If yes how many?

14) Would you consider adoption?
Not sure if I even want rug rats.

15) If somebody liked you right now, what do you think a cool unique way of showing you would be?
Might not be cool and unique, but a letter or something telling me how much they like me would be romantic :).

16) Do you enjoy a chase?
I do enjoy a chase, but there is only so far I'll chase.

17) Be honest, do you play the "game" when you are dating someone?
Umm.. no. The game sucks.

19) Do you believe love at first sight exists?
Yes I do.

20) Are you a romantic?
I guess, it's been awhile since I've shown anyone my romantic side.

21) If money wasn't an object, what would you do on your next date with someone you like?
Skinny dipping in Scrooge Mcducks money vault? I've always wanted to do that :p.

22) Outdoor date or indoor?
Outdoors in a park or something... That's hot!

23) How important is money?
Not very important, but I'd like to date someone who tries in life instead of just sitting around and moaning about how pitiful their life is while making minimum wage bagging groceries at Giant.

24) Physical attraction?
I think you need some attraction to like someone

25) Body type?
Skinny to about average.

26) Brains?

27) Animal lover?
Doesn't matter

28) Good sex?
I don't wanna be fucking a couch, but yea, good sex is sorta important.

29) Religion?
Don't care. Just don't push your fairy tales on me lol. I'd even go to church/whatever and all of that, but just don't think I'd bow to your "higher being" :-).

30) Sense of humor?
You need that in order to have a decent conversation with me.

31) Do you believe that you can change someone?
Depends on the person. Some people are open to change and might take your advice, while there are some people who will never change.

32) If you could get married anywhere, money not an object, where would it be?
Umm hrm.. I don't really care lol

33) Fuck friends - good or bad?

34) Do you easily give in when you are fighting?
If I see I am in the wrong I will give in, but if I'm not in the wrong then I'm extremely stubborn.

35) Do you have feelings for someone right now, whether they know or not? No


Blogger Mikey B. said...

Nobody in particular is questioning anyone. It's just something you fill out when you are really bored :p.

12:37 PM  

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