Sunday, October 23, 2005


Since I was tagged to do this thing by Eric, I decided I'd do it lol.

10 years ago: I was in 10th grade and I wasn't dating anyone. I was partying alot and just enjoying my life with all my friends. I'd play basketball almost religiously. I was big into rap music. I drove a car for the first time and I didn't have my permit or license. Some of my good friends were Brian D. Jon M. Jeret N. Mitch andMarshal P. and pretty much anyone who would tag along with us every once in awhile.

5 years ago: I was working at FedEx and that was pretty much it lol. I had just ended a 4 year relationship. I'd hang out with Eric or Mitch every once in awhile. I played Everquest and UO every once in awhile. Stopped listening to main stream rap and got into techno. Still liked some rap.

1 year ago: I was playing games with Megan, working at FedEx (still) and looking for some type of change in my life. Rap music has gone to complete garbage, so I stopped listening to that. Got really into techno, mainly Drum and Bass. Made a few dnb mixes and got a little more creative with myself.

Yesterday: It's written about in the post below :p. Been feeling "Housey" in my music selection.

Five snacks I enjoy: Doritos, brownies, cupcakes, butterscotch krimpets, Combos

Five songs I know by heart: Any song off of the Slim Shady LP

Five things I would do with a million dollars: buy a decent house, pay off my car, go back to school and invest in something.

Five places I would run away to: Ummm.. I dunno lol

Five things I would never wear: lol.. I don't know. Nipple clamps?

Five bad habits: Smoking, getting into dumb sleep schedules, listening to music to loud

Five things I enjoy: Friends, family, the dogs, music, love

Five people I tag: Megan x5 :p


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