Sunday, October 23, 2005

My Crazy Day

So yesterday was a weird day. We were to meet another guy at Sheetz near Manheim at 5:00am so that we knew how to get to this place. We get to Sheetz, meet up with the other guys and headed on over to Philly. We are driving along and I really have to pee, so I'm just sitting there not saying a whole lot when all of a sudden we hear a little pop like noise and the truck is shaking violently. We signalled to the guys in front of us that we had to pull off and pulled off to the side of the road. We get out in the pouring down rain to check the tires out. Great! Our back tire has a huge bubble in it, so we had to change a freaking tire in the rain.

After that little fiasco, we were on our journey again. We were cold, wet and I was tired since I had woke up at midnight. So we are driving along the turnpike and look in the rearview mirror and here the cabinet door on the side was hanging wide open. We stopped at a Wawa's for coffee and checked to see if anything fell out. Luckily nothing fell out, so we were good to go.

We get to this place and I find out we need to wear a hair net. I'm thinking to myself "Ok, we are here to weld, paint, grind and just all around cause a huge mess and we need to wear a hair net?!" I personally thought that was stupid, but I guess it's company policy so I threw on a hair net. God, I looked ridiculous. Thankfully I can't grow facial hair, so the few whiskers I have didn't require me to wear a beard net :p.

We tore down some wood frame, moved a huge roller line, fixed a few belt lines and that was pretty much the rest of my day. The inside of that place was freezing. Like the whole building was just near freezing accept for a few spots, so that sucked especially since I was already soaking wet from changing the tire.

I got home and took Dr. Meggypoo's advice and set my alarm to wake up at 6:30pm, just enough to give me an hour nap. I ended up sleeping through my alarm and waking up at 5:30am this morning lol. Well, I guess you could say I needed the rest and it got me back on schedule. Atleast I have today off of work. I still need to head to the store to get a game for me and Meg to play. I've missed her these past few days.

Right now I'm just organizing my DnB tracks so that I can find them more easily and still trying to clean my pc from a bad link someone sent me and didn't even apologize for doing it. Some people really get on my nerves.


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