Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas Shopping

So yea, this weekend I started and finished my christmas shopping. This is how it happened so soon.

Saturday: I woke up late since I love to sleep in late when I don't need to be at work or anywhere important. I had breakfast, talked to my mom on the phone for alittle bit since she was at the mall already and I downloaded MP3z on Soulseek. Mom was telling me how crowded the mall was and the huge pain in the ass it was to find parking. At around 5:00pm I decided I'd head out and see what I can find.

I get to the mall with no problems at all. I get in the parking lot and lo and behold there is a front parking spot which took me a whole 2 seconds to find. I get into the mall and realize I have no freaking clue what to buy anyone, so I start wandering aimlessly around the mall. I did this for about 2 hours and only bought 1 thing, so I decided to call it a night and head home.

Sunday: I woke up kinda early because I was planning on heading up to Cindi's to see her. My brother stops over and invites me to come along with him to go xmas shopping, so I figured I'd go finish up xmas shopping while waiting to hear something from Cindi.

We get to the mall and I start getting some ideas on what to get people. I wanted to get a computer game for my mom since she likes the dumb little games. Me and Matt are in Gamestop looking at PC games. He had just gotten back from using the restroom when out of no where, in the middle of the store he goes "I think I pee'd on my shirt". The whole store got really quiet and I just freaking lost it. I was down between the aisles laughing my ass off.

We walked around the mall for a few more hours. They were checking out guys and I was checking out the "fish" as they like to call it. I happened to check out the time and realized it was really late and was wondering what was up with Cindi and why she didn't call me.

I didn't get a chance to hang out with Cindi this weekend like I had hoped. I sometimes wish people lived closer or I lived closer to them. I ended up finishing my christmas shopping though, which is a good thing, since I am usually a christmas eve shopper and this year I will be working on christmas eve.

I also found out there is a possibility of me working on New Years Eve too, which doesn't exactly make me happy, but money is more important to me right now. I have goals set that require some money, so it all evens out. It's not like I have anyone to spend time with during these holidays, so it's all good :-).


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