Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Broken Phones

I broke this phone in a fit of rage over a certain girl. It was my very first personal cell phone. It was however, extremely outdated when I got it, but I liked it. It was short, simple and worked all the time (before it met the power of my arm and concrete).

This was the phone I bought to replace the rage phone. I shelled out a good 300 dollars for this dinky model. I liked it since my brother had one too. Well, this one has seen better days. It doesn't like going to work with me and cracked under the pressure. Alot of good times were had with this phone, but its time has now passed.

I just ordered this one from the verizon website. It's new, it's hip, it plays music AND it takes pictures. I hope this one doesn't have as short of a lifespan as my other ones did. These things can get rather expensive if you have my luck.

Why am I posting about cell phones? I have no freaking idea, but I figured it would be something to talk about since Megan and myself were talking about it over on the flooble, er whatever it's called :p.


Blogger Me said...

i like the phone documentary!

what is the weather doing these days? of course i know it's raining, but what is our summer outlook?... and what about at virginia beach?

8:29 PM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

Uhh.. it's gonna be an above average summer(temps wise). Be careful if you are down in virgina beach for any extended period of time, since there could be some hurricanes that wander that far north this year.

Are you going to Virginia Beach?

8:33 PM  
Blogger Me said...

yes! i was there already though but i'm going again. it was rather cool, but still nice!

ack hurricanes! oh well, it's worth it to me.

8:39 PM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

I haven't seen the ocean in 5 years. Did you go down with your mommy and georgie?

8:41 PM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

er wait... your parents got back together the last time I talked to you *bonks head*

8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:03 AM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

I can be such a tard sometimes :p.

1:19 PM  

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