Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Story

Ok, I'm sure I have a few peoples attention at the moment *waves*. I never really wanted to stop talking to Megan. In fact, I wanted the opposite. I was really close to her. Not a day went by that we didn't talk for hours. We'd talk about everything under the sun, from downright silly things to something more on the serious side. We'd play games, talk on the pc/phone and I let her into my life. We clicked so well. I guess you could say I really liked her, but she didn't feel that way about me. In the end I felt it was best that we stop talking. I was hurt and I didn't want to keep hurting.

I know, that sounds very selfish. I guess I can be selfish at times. We all can be. It's all part of being human I guess. I wish I wasn't that way.

I stuck up for her, I cared for her and most of all, I loved her. Call me crazy, but that's just how I felt.

Currently Playing: RJD2 - Making Days Longer


Anonymous Anonymous said...

only you and me care about this story... i was teasing about JP sending you to heck... i only know JP through her blog, but i like to think real people with real feelings lurk behind them. you don't have to explain to anyone but yourself... and i don't think you are selfish at all.

5:38 PM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

Ok, I wasn't sure how to take your comment. I did put it up there for JP to read since she thought I was weird for not talking to you.

I think when it comes down to it, I'm the only one who cares about this story. I guess I just needed to throw it out there and get it off of my chest.

6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think she was just teasing you, but she will have to state that herself... and you were the one that said girls are funny on her blog, then you called us all freaks! :p

i care about the story too Mike... geesh, you know me better than that... if there is anything i can do to help you, or to explain more or whatever, let me know.

6:29 PM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

Ohh and I'm selfish for wanting more with you.

6:29 PM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

Well!! We are all freaks. I was just teasing JP!!

I guess you do care about the story. I'm sorry I said that. I don't think there is anything you can do to help me. They are just feelings I need to dispurse of on my own.

6:36 PM  
Blogger Me said...

i don't think we are all freaks :)

6:40 PM  
Blogger Me said...

when i get sad, lonely, depressed, i draw stupid things like:

i force myself to do something that will turn my mind off of my pityful feelings, it works most of the time, it's an outlet.

i know you do that with your music. i did download your mix and as always it was awesome!... but it didn't seem really all that dark to me, maybe you do realize inside that you aren't really alone.

6:46 PM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

I know I'm not really alone (look at my myspace). I guess I saw you as someone I wished to share special things with. You were the one who brightened every single one of my days. It's just something about you that makes me feel comfortable with you.

Yanno, I don't like hearing that you are sad, depressed and alone. You are too great of a woman to be feeling that way. I like your pictures. I still have your blu's saved on my computer. They always made me smile. I don't think you realize how great I thought they were.

Thanks for downloading my mix. In my opinion it's dark. Most people hear the "scary" beats that are associated with drum and bass and say it's dark. I'm really glad you liked it. You were always the one I sent them too first, so your feedback is always appreciated.

7:02 PM  
Blogger Me said...

everybody at some time or another gets sad, feels alone, is depressed. i'm sure there are a few exceptions but probably not many.

when you have an illness it can really bring you down, especially when it's all the time as opposed to just being sick or having something wrong and getting it fixed.

7:54 PM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

Yea, you're right about that. I just care about you. I think you know me by now :p. I have a huge heart for you.

8:06 PM  
Blogger Me said...

you just have a huge heart period! :)

8:22 PM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

I guess, just don't tell anyone, ok? :p

8:26 PM  
Blogger Me said...

your secret is safe with me ;)

8:33 PM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

Thank you :). *RAWR*

8:40 PM  

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