Tuesday, January 31, 2006

How Lancaster Are You?

I scored a 30% on the "How Lancaster are you?" Quizie! What about you?

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Go Steelers!

Go Steelers! Woooohooo Super Bowl XL here we come!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

WHAT ARE YOUR DREAMS MOSTLY ABOUT?: I haven't had a good dream that I remember in awhile.

WHAT ABOUT NIGHTMARES?: The dog was killed in some violent accident and I was picking up his parts all over the place.

GOALS?: To find a decent career for myself.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THESE GOALS?: I have changed jobs. I'm still looking though :).

WHAT ARE YOUR FRIENDS LIKE?: Some are fake, but the few close friends I have are great!

WHAT ABOUT YOUR FAMILY?: Nothing really to say here.



FAVORITE BOOK?: DOS for Dummies!

FAVORITE POEMS/QUOTES?: I like alot of quotes, so it just depends on what mood I am in as to what quote I like.

THING TO DO WHEN YOU ARE SAD?: I listen to music and yes, sometimes I cry. :p

THING TO DO WHEN YOU ARE MAD?: I just look mad, sometimes I'll hit some inanimate object (walls, computer monitor, desk, etc..).


RELIGION?: I went to a methodist church when I was a kid, but started to see through organized religion in my early teens. I bounced back and forth from being a believer and a non believer for some time. Now I'm pretty much an atheist for all intended purposes, but I label myself agnostic for philosophical reasons.

POLITICAL POINT OF VIEW?: I'm liberal, so my opinions don't count :p.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Deer In Headlights

Well, I had my interview with the Deparment of Revenue. Lets just say, this position was not what I was thinking it would be. I go in there thinking this is some sort of entry level position. They said it was for a financial analyst II. I didn't think it would be much of a big deal.

I get lost in Strawberry Square, so I have to call the secretary to try to figure out how to get there. She gave me directions again, but I still couldn't find this big glass door with the security guard standing in front of it. About 10 minutes later I find the right place.

I get my special pass to go through and all of that and go up to the 6th floor. They seat me in this room with this paper. I was told to sit down and read the paper, so I do that. It sounded a little different then what I was expecting, so I decided to fill out the application.

As I am filling out this application these 2 people come in. They introduce themselves and tell me to take my time with my application.

They start asking me a few questions about Visual Basic. I started feeling a bit nervous because I don't remember much programming, but I got through that part. I could do that part of the job, but I'd have to look over some of my old books.

They started telling me more about the position and asked if I would be comfortable training people. I told them that wouldn't be no problem since I trained people at FedEx. Then they dropped the M word at me. Yes, Management.. They are looking for a manager of the IT department for the Department of Revenue. That's what this position is, so needless to say, I sort of looked like a deer in headlights at this point. So many things were going through my mind I didn't know what to say or think. This is a pretty big position for someone with no working IT experience.

After the interview was over I headed back out to my car. As I am driving home I just keep laughing because after they said this is a mangement position I was just a nervous wreck. I answered a few questions really dumb and I just looked like a jackass.

So yea, that was alittle more then I had bargained for. They want me to send an updated resume to them, so I will do that. Would I take the job if it were offered to me? Sure, but I'd have a lot of catching up to do. Something tells me I won't be getting a call back though. I guess we'll see :).

Later on Erica, Christina, Steph and myself headed on over to Rockwells to hang out and talk. They pretty much girl gossiped and I sat there and ate rhino fries. I was pretty quiet the whole evening. I just had alot of my mind, but not a whole lot to talk about.

This morning I had a clearer head, so I decided to figure out what was wrong with my moms PC. After numerous ideas of what could be wrong I decided to just take everything out of the case and test the motherboard. I plugged just the motherboard and processor in and set it on top of a box. It booted up! I think what the problem was, it was grounding out on a miss placed post, so I fixed that and got that PC up and running. I was pretty relieved that it booted, since I was just about ready to buy a whole new motherboard.

Friday, January 06, 2006


Just a quick update before I head to bed. I have an interview tomorrow with The Department of Revenue down on Strawberry Square. They called me and asked if I'd like an interview. I didn't even apply to this place at all, so I figured what the hell, I may as well give it a shot. Atleast it gets me out of work earlier :).

I also just got my new motherboard and processor up and running. I had to fiddle with it for a little bit since I forgot this motherboard takes an extra power jack. Other than that, it's been smooth sailing with this one. The one I'm building for my mom on the other hand, is being a huge pain in my ass. It just won't boot up. I've spent 4 hours on it so far and have gotten the fans to do a full rotation :p. Go me!

Anyways, I just thought I'd update. Here are my specs to my new beast.

Machine name: PRON
BIOS: BIOS Date: 09/12/05 17:27:22 Ver: 08.00.09
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3700+, MMX, 3DNow, ~2.2GHz
Memory: 1024MB RAM
Page File: 272MB used, 2186MB available
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900XT
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip type: GeForce FX 5900XT

Not too bad. I could use a new graphics card, but other than that, it's awesome!

Monday, January 02, 2006

It's 2006!

This New Years was a bit different for me. I was just planning on spending the night with myself like I did last year, but Eric had invited me over to Joni's parents place. It was a long drive, but I decided what the hell, I'll go over.

I get to Joni's parents place and I know absolutely nobody other than Eric and Joni, so I kinda felt out of place. We all decided to play poker. Now, I haven't played poker in years, so I had to re-learn the game. I folded right away my first few games, since I had no clue what was going on. After a couple of hands I decided to play as conservative as I could.

The game went on and I didn't do too bad. It was getting close to midnight and someone handed me a new years hat and a cigar. I put the hat on and headed outside to toke my cigar. It's been years since I smoked a cigar, so that was a nice treat.

At midnight I tried to call people, but the damn lines were so busy. A bunch of people from FedEx had called me, so I talked to them for a little. I guess everyone from FedEx had a party and they thought of me, so it was nice to hear from those idiots again.

We started another game of poker, but this time I had a better idea of what was going on, so I did a little better this time. Eric and his one friend were pretty trashed and wanted to go home, so they left. A few people lost all of their chips, so they called it a night and it was just me, Joni and some other girl. I lost my chips and watched the 2 girls battle it out. It got to around 4am and they decided it just wasn't worth it anymore, so they just split the money.

We get back to Eric and Joni's place and we find Eric passed out next to the toilet curled up in a ball. Joni couldn't lift him up, so she asked me to pick him up and put him in bed. I got him up, put him down on the bed and left Joni take care of him from there.

I didn't wake up till around noonish. I talked with Eric and Joni till I was fully awake and I left. I ended up brining Erics one friend back to Mount Joy since his car had broke down.

Later on in the day I went to my grandmas for pork and saurkraut. I do not like saurkraut at all, so I just had mashed potatoes and pork. After dinner we all chatted and watched the end of the Redskins vs Eagles game.

After grandmas, me and my brother headed up to his place to watch movies. We watched The Exorcism of Emily Rose and Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Emily Rose was kind of boring. I guess if you are extremely religious it would scare you, but it just wasn't that scary for me. They say it is based on a true story, but I think most of it was fabricated to make the movie a little more exciting. I've read a few reviews by various bloggers and they take the whole movie as real and scary. It just didn't do anything for me, so I was alittle disappointed.

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring was pretty good. I've seen the second one, but I had not seen the first or third ones. I enjoyed the second one, so it was almost a guarantee that I'd like the first one. Now I just have to watch the second one again, since I kinda forget what happens in that one. I remember some of it, and what I do remember makes better sense now that I've seen the first.

I'm kind of excited about this week. I bought a new processor, motherboard, DVD-RW and a new case. The processor is a new 64 bit processor and a mobo to go with it. I bought all of this for under 350 bucks, which isn't bad at all. I just wanted to get myself something and give my old stuff to my mom who really needs the upgrade. I already recieved the motherboard and DVD-RW. I'm now just waiting on the processor and case.

I think that's all I have to talk about. I'm just sitting here waiting on my laundry to finish up, so I decided I'd tell my huge fanbase what I've been up too. I know all of you are just dying to comment on something new from me.

Happy New Years everyone!

Megan, if you are still out there, I'd like to wish you a Happy New Year. I hope you're happy and well and that your holidays were good. I still think about you and miss you. :(