Saturday, January 07, 2006

Deer In Headlights

Well, I had my interview with the Deparment of Revenue. Lets just say, this position was not what I was thinking it would be. I go in there thinking this is some sort of entry level position. They said it was for a financial analyst II. I didn't think it would be much of a big deal.

I get lost in Strawberry Square, so I have to call the secretary to try to figure out how to get there. She gave me directions again, but I still couldn't find this big glass door with the security guard standing in front of it. About 10 minutes later I find the right place.

I get my special pass to go through and all of that and go up to the 6th floor. They seat me in this room with this paper. I was told to sit down and read the paper, so I do that. It sounded a little different then what I was expecting, so I decided to fill out the application.

As I am filling out this application these 2 people come in. They introduce themselves and tell me to take my time with my application.

They start asking me a few questions about Visual Basic. I started feeling a bit nervous because I don't remember much programming, but I got through that part. I could do that part of the job, but I'd have to look over some of my old books.

They started telling me more about the position and asked if I would be comfortable training people. I told them that wouldn't be no problem since I trained people at FedEx. Then they dropped the M word at me. Yes, Management.. They are looking for a manager of the IT department for the Department of Revenue. That's what this position is, so needless to say, I sort of looked like a deer in headlights at this point. So many things were going through my mind I didn't know what to say or think. This is a pretty big position for someone with no working IT experience.

After the interview was over I headed back out to my car. As I am driving home I just keep laughing because after they said this is a mangement position I was just a nervous wreck. I answered a few questions really dumb and I just looked like a jackass.

So yea, that was alittle more then I had bargained for. They want me to send an updated resume to them, so I will do that. Would I take the job if it were offered to me? Sure, but I'd have a lot of catching up to do. Something tells me I won't be getting a call back though. I guess we'll see :).

Later on Erica, Christina, Steph and myself headed on over to Rockwells to hang out and talk. They pretty much girl gossiped and I sat there and ate rhino fries. I was pretty quiet the whole evening. I just had alot of my mind, but not a whole lot to talk about.

This morning I had a clearer head, so I decided to figure out what was wrong with my moms PC. After numerous ideas of what could be wrong I decided to just take everything out of the case and test the motherboard. I plugged just the motherboard and processor in and set it on top of a box. It booted up! I think what the problem was, it was grounding out on a miss placed post, so I fixed that and got that PC up and running. I was pretty relieved that it booted, since I was just about ready to buy a whole new motherboard.


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