Thursday, December 29, 2005

Xmas and a Dilemma

Well, my Christmas was a good one. It was pretty much your standard Mikey B Christmas. Waking up and opening gifts at 10am, grandmas for dinner, then visiting my other grandma. I got mainly work stuff this year, like cloths, tools, a jacket and some money. I can always use more of that stuff.

This brings me to another subject entirely. Yanno, I have this job working with my dad. He never really wanted me to get into this line of work, but now that I am there, he is all for me doing what he's done for the last 25 years. My problem is, I don't see myself doing this type of work much longer, and my dad is all gung ho about me getting my certificates and all sorts of stuff. Now, how do I break it to him that I don't think I'll be sticking around without hurting his feelings? I know he is really proud that I'm in his line of work now, but it's just not me. I honestly feel I can do alot better in life. Don't get me wrong, I love working with my dad and spending time with him. He is a great guy. I just don't think I'm the type of guy who does this sort of work. I was never the type you'd see in shop class in high school. Working with saws, grinders, welding, wrenches and that sort of thing never interested me in the least bit. Some guys really love that type of stuff and if that's you, go for it, but it's just not something that holds my interest.

My plan is pretty cut and dry. Get my benefits, go to the dentist and get that taken care of. Then I'll go searching for something that will hold my interest. I just needed a temporary job and a change. I also gained a few skills along the way. I'll probably learn a few more things in this trade before all is said and done, so it's not like this job is a waste of time. It's just a small detour to where I really want to be in life, but until then, I just need to try to make the most of it.

Ohh and this time I'm not quitting my job till I find something lol. That was the biggest freaking mistake I've ever made. Do I regret doing it? No, it was actually kind of nice to not worry about getting up and going to work. I got to do a few things that I wouldn't have done if I was working, and I got to spend time with someone who did mean alot to me.

/waves at anonymous


Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't be so hard on yourself... yanno it's just a job, someday we will all die and you'll look back and say... damn, i should have played more and loved more and ate more and ran around in the snow naked more.

your dad would understand and even if at first he is hurt or whatever he loves you!

love what you do or do what you love

live to work or work to live

6:33 AM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

I have to be hard on myself. If I am not hard on myself then how am I gonna change? I need a better job to get the things I want in life.

Yanno, there was this person who used to comment on my site here that said she would date me if I moved out of my parents basement. Well, where I am now isn't getting me out of the basement. I kind of laughed at her comment, but it does bother me.

I think my loving, playing, running around in the snow naked days are over for awhile.

Thanks for the advice though :-).

2:19 PM  

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