Saturday, April 29, 2006

My Date, My Tire, My Car

So I didn't get my date for the night. Some things came up and she wasn't able to go out. I don't think we'll be meeting up either. Our conversations are soo.. I dunno, boring? We just don't click very well. I guess she is having some issues in her life right now. I honestly wish her luck with that. I always have the crappy luck lol. Ohh well.

Anyways, my internet is down and I feel like making a post, so notepad is allowing me to do this. I got my tire fixed today since I actually didn't have to work. It suprisingly didn't take me very long to get my tire fixed. Though I noticed that my rim has a nice little chip in it now. I guess that curb really ate my rim. Damn curbs!!!

After the tire place I decided to head over to the Colonial Park Mall. I was looking for a pair of headphones like I got for my brother for Christmas. They are Sonys and have a really crispy clear sound to them. I looked at the only music store in there and they didn't carry them.

When I was in the music store I wondered what kind of techno music they have there. I was thinking about buying the new Dieselboy and the new Tech Itch. I mosied on over to the electronic section and was extremely dissappointed. There was one little section of electronic music. I browsed for the NEW Dieselboy and found nothing there. Ugh.. I wanted to actually purchase this CD since I liked it (downloaded it online).

I look around and see 3 rows of rap music, 1 row of rock music and 3 sections of classical music and here I am staring at the smallest section of them all. It almost looks like they are trying to faze that section out. I figured since I was in Harrisburg they would have a better selection of music compared to Lancaster. I don't think I will be returning to that music store ever again.

I ended up leaving the mall empty handed and headed home. I cruised around on my 2.99 a gallon gas, then thought maybe I shouldn't be wasting all this gas and returned home. It cost me 35 dollars just to fill my tank today. I felt like I was filling up a gas guzzling SUV or something. It wasn't long ago that 20 bucks filled my tank. Ugh, I hope gas prices crash soon. This is getting to be too damn much. Luckily I don't drive much anymore and I get 30mpg when I do drive or I would be even more upset. Soon we'll have to finance a loan just to fill up our tanks lol.

Ok, internet is back up, so I'll copy and paste this now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe we should consider getting a horse & buggy?

4:55 PM  
Blogger Mikey B. said...

rofl... Hrm.. we'd kinda fit in around this area :p.

5:04 PM  

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